Prius Nightmare

Hello my sweet readers.

For those of you who depend on me posting every other day, I am sorry. I forgot to post on Friday… So it’s been a few days without a story.

Here is the story (or should I say struggle) on what Tony and I had to go through to get our Prius.

August 1st 2017,

We showed up to Brent Brown Toyota to get a new car, heck yeah. Tony and I had driven in the lot a couple times to go look at the cars, and my mind, heart, and body was dead set on a Prius. Since Tony loves me so much, he let me get one. Well, we owed about $12,000 on my Honda (because Low Book Sales screwed me over) so we had to do a trade in of course, and that was going to make our payments outrageous.

Really quick side story about Low Book. I showed up to Low Book with really low credit and wanted a new car. I saw the Honda, and on the window it said $14,000! Super cheap. Well, after taxes and selling my soul, the total came up to $22,000… but I was qualified, so who cares. After two years of paying well over $15,000 I still owed $12,000 so I had had enough and decided to get a new car.

Anyways, back to the Prius. We sat inside the dealership with our salesman Dallas. He was pretty cool. He made it seem as if everything was running smooth. He would leave us for like 20 minutes at a time to see if he could “lower the price” … They never really get the prices any lower. Well, everything was good! It was super smooth. They took the Honda for $4,000 so we only owed an additional $8,000, whatever, that’s fine. We got to the finance office for the last couple signatures and then we were done. The Prius was ours. We got out of there so fast, it was honestly crazy.

Later that week, I got a call. A call from guess who? The finance guy.

The finance guy was then, my least favorite person. He said, “None of the banks will approve you because you said you drive for Uber.” ugh then continued, “Will you be using the Prius to drive for uber?” Of course I said no, I’m not an idiot. (Number one lie.) Then he said, “With the job that you are working, can you have them give you an Employment Verification?” (Lie number two.) I said YES.

I went to Elwood staffing to see if I got hired on a job if they would give me one, they said no. Ugh… If I don’t have this Employment verification to them in the next 5 days, they are taking the car back. I had one last idea.

I went to the office at my apartment complex. I asked them if they needed any employee’s because I need an Employment Verification. They got my back, they wrote one out for me. Heck yeah! Everything is going good again.

I took the paper to Toyota as well as proof of residence. He said that should be good and he would get back to us.

We waited a couple days and went in. He wasn’t there.

We waiting a couple more days and he was busy doing something else and wasn’t able to talk to us. Was this good? Was that car ours? Talk about STRESS! I didn’t Uber during this entire time because I didn’t want to have to give the car back and pay a rental fee… Which means we didn’t have money for our bills.

Well, we went in probably a month later September 1st I think… We went and talked to someone else in finance. He had us sign a couple things and said, “Everything is going through, this is your first payment amount, and it’s due at this time of next month.”

I am at peace. Calm after the storm? I guess? Well, that was the most stressful part of my entire life. Luckily, now we have a cute 2017 Prius and we’ve had it for two and a half months. I love it. ❤ Her name is Roberta. She’s our pride and joy.


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